Western Mysteries

Rosarium Philosophorum, Part II
Emblem 5: Conjunction or Coupling O Luna, by means of my embracing and sweet kisses,Thou art made beautiful, strong and mighty like as I am.O Sol, thou art to be preferred before all light,But ye...
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Ancient Egyptian Magic by Bob Brier
Ancient Egyptian Magic was the first authoritative modern work on the magic of ancient Egypt, delving into the occult practices and spiritual beliefs across thirty centuries of dynastic rule during...
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Rosarium Philosophorum, Part I
Part I: Rosarium Philosophorum, or the Rosary of the Philosophers, was written by the alchemical adept Arnold de Villanova and originally published in 1550 in Frankfurt, Germany as part of a compil...
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Why Learn Real Alchemy on a Theurgical Path?
Real alchemy is the art of making quintessences, truly theurgical psycho-spiritual sacraments that expand consciousness into transcendent levels of experience. One point of distinction between true...
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In this post, we are covering the main Sumerian Gods and Goddesses—their myths and roles in ancient Sumer and ancient Mesopotamia as a whole. It is important to note that, as with most ancient myth...
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The World Tree & Its Function in Myth
In exploring the concepts of the World Tree, it is interesting to recall that the mythologist Joseph Campbell, after a lifetime of study devoted to the myths and legends of cultures spanning the pl...
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Ancient Mesopotamia—Civilizations & Religions
The civilization of ancient Mesopotamia is one that had significant influence on the ancient world, and the world at large. It was part of what is called the Cradle of Civilization, where some of t...
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Spider Goddess Mythology & Weaving in the Mysteries
Because a spider carefully and patiently weaves an intricate web, their use in deified symbolism has been incorporated into ancient creation mythologies the world over. The mythologies in Western h...
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Theurgy & Alchemy: Understanding the Link
Theurgy as a broad subject is far more widely studied, since reliable alchemical training is hard to find. The same is unfortunately true of theurgy, but there is so much more of it available in ge...
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Practical training in alchemy focuses initially on the process and obtainment of true quintessences from the plant kingdom through the Primum Ens process. Private instruction accelerates the proces...
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