What Is Initiatory Theurgy?
Initiatory Theurgy is centered completely around the goal of making continual and effective progress into deeper levels of personal illumination through conscious connection with aspects of the Higher Genius and completing the Great Work.
Attainment of the next level of individuated evolution is something that all humans have inherent embryonic capacity to achieve, with proper initiatory instruction.
While many kinds of spiritual practices are acknowledged, the Order is focused upon practices centered around theurgy for the purposes of personal spiritual evolution and the dissolution of the Soul Cage. Those entering this level of work are taught Aethyrian practices of an inner theurgical and alchemical nature, the purpose of which is to cultivate the ability to mediate spiritual currents and master particular inner alchemical forces.
Conversations on Illumination™
Conversations on Illumination is an online class open to anyone who has completed the Intro to Illuminatory Arts: Alchemy & Theurgy course and wishes to participate.
Participation is voluntary, and answers given in the recordings from those live classes may be made available as a public archive, where only the instructor will be visible.
For anyone who is private by nature or who does not wish to participate in the Conversations on Illumination classes, an alternative members-only meeting is also available to any Outer Order members on a monthly basis, which is a private and unrecorded event.(Please see the Live Portal Schedule for class dates and times.)
You must have joined as an Outer Order Member through payment of dues in order to participate in the alternative private monthly class.